美好藝術6 [生殤相-杜韻飛影像展] (2018/03/16-05/30)

2018年度第一檔展覽是 杜韻飛的影像展。




生 殤 相

原本沒有臉、沒有名字的「牠們」,透過接近人類等身的肖像尺寸,轉化為具有主體性的「牠」。 如果我們凝視牠,牠也必然凝視著我們;觀看與被觀看、主體與客體的關係因此翻轉,人與他者之間絕對的階級與地位,也就隱然產生鬆動的可能。

Utilizing the classical portrait style that artists have used throughout history these images record the last moments of life for dogs found in public pounds run by government agencies in Taiwan. The images are taken on the actual day that each animal depicted is euthanized. Through these portraits the viewer is confronted with an irreversible past and witnesses the decay of life, moments before death. These nameless animals, by virtue of the size at which they are printed and the approximations to human scale, are transformed into existence.

As you engage with the dog, the dog returns the scrutiny. The relationship between seeing and being seen, between the subject and object reverses and the discriminatory hierarchy is lessened. The status of power between humans and other salient beings, those considered “the other” is diminished.
The images presented in the MEMENTO MORI act as the artist’s own self-portrait whereby one can look back and in retrospect reflect upon times of confusion and despair; the pains of both spirit and body; the desire for exit and the fear of death; and witness the melancholia.


2011/09/23 12:57 p.m. 台灣某公立收容所 距離安樂死執行時間: 1.1小時

2011/11/28 10:54 a.m. 台灣某公立收容所 距離安樂死執行時間: 1.2小時



三年前在一場分享會聽韻飛說生殤相的創作過程, 當下心底是受到很大的撼動, 那不只因為與我自身的生命經驗中, 我有養狗, 親如家人, 同時也撩起了我去思考我們究竟能為流浪犬做什麼樣有意義的事情甚或是這些議題該如何被重新審視, 能改變什麼嗎? 或是如何改變? 當然要討論的話, 這些牽涉到的層面如此之廣泛, 不論是不是認同執行安樂死, 但是在作品生殤相中, 在那一張張狗兒最終肖像凝視的雙眼裡, 我們沒有辦法忽視這個存在於你我日常生活中所需面對的生命課題.

藝術可以作為一種溫柔的手段與溝通的出口, 謝謝韻飛這系列如此有力道與感染力的創作, 當親臨現場站在作品面前, 我看到與感受到的不僅是狗的肖像與哀傷, 而是渺小如我, 該如何面對生命中的種種.

展期自3/17-5/31 歡迎住在花蓮的朋友或是來花蓮玩耍的朋友們來看展, 相信心靈會有滿滿的收穫, 也許是那靈光乍現讓你思考了某些事, 這顆小小的種子便有了它的意義與價值 !
